Re: [Harp-L] Questions for chromatic players

On Jan 16, 2010, at 11:24 AM, Doug Parrish wrote:

Thank you John and Smo-Joe,
I can relate "positions" and breath patterns on the diatonic to the keys on a chromatic, and I do play pos 1, 2, and 3, but I think the problem I'd like to work out is how to deal with not just the sharps and flats, but to memorize where the duplicate notes fall in each new key that I learn on a my "C" chromo (ie: holes 4-5 and 8-9 etc.). Does that become instinctive enough to not stumble with a moderate or fast beat?

I think it does become instinctive. I generally use the B# a lot of the time (by default) so that I don't land on the wrong C and then start out a new phrase FROM the wrong C and consequently hit the next note WRONG. The B# and E# can REALLY be your friend.

Are scales the best way to practice other keys, or should one just jump into a few fun songs and keep moving up a hole every month and work them out?

Most teachers recommend scales. This is fine but you can also use tunes. Why do I say this? Well look in any Belwyn or Rubank instructional books for flute, clarinet, trumpet and so forth. You will notice that they eventually have you playing new tunes AS you are learning the new notes. The idea being that you FIND the note, you play the note. You do the note in whole tones, half tones, quarter tones, eighth tones. THEN use the new note IN a tune. This way you don't get bored JUST blowing notes. Me? I would do both if I were you (OR starting over).

I'm hoping some of you on Harp L who play multiple keys on one chromo can offer your experience and degree of practice needed. I can't afford more chromatics nor do I want to carry them around along with my diatonics.

I carry a set of diatonics plus a few of my specials and usually 4 chromos. All in a clarinet case.

Thanks and regards. I've been a lurker here for over three years, and have learned a lot. Doug Parrish

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