[Harp-L] re: harmonica case

"What kind of harmonica cases do you people use?"
A plastic bag, mostly gaily coloured. Featuring undiscreet ad for the local grocery store. Holds roughly from 1 to 50 harps. You could throw in a bottle of whiskey on top.
Cost: just about nothing. Can be exchanged almost on a daily basis. Several advantages.
Then some years ago I got a bit more organised. Took a briefcase, sawed some pieces of wood into compartments. (Quite a challenge for the pathologically un-dexterous, like yrs truly.) 
  Looks ... if you open it: well, sturdy, with a nice homespun touch. From the outside gives me a bit of the executive look. Never wrong.
  Holds a plethora of harps, microphone and some effects. The whiskey bottle had to go. But that was all right, gave me more reason to use my small collection of flasks.
  Also room for one miniature closed ashtray.
  Cost: nothing. The briefcase just stood there looking foolish in a room.
  Sometimes you surprise yourself.

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