Re: [Harp-L] Johnson Laredo

Does this amp have a "line out" ? If so, try running it straight into the P.A. .
      Rick in TX.

Walter Joyce <wtjoyce45@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am hoping someone with a more technical background will step up and help me with this inquiry.

I got my Johnson Laredo back yesterday and when I got home and started adjusting the knobs to try and dial in the tone I am after I was reminded why I had given up on this amp.

I am able to get almost exactly the tone I am looking for, but the volume level won't hold up in a live play setting, and feedback becomes an issue. When I set the gain level to 2, and the master volume to 3, bass at 10, mid at 5 and treble at 0 I get the sound I want, but I know that the volume level isn't enough to cut through the mix live. I have tried micing the amp through the PA in a live setting at these settings and ran I ran into feedback issues again. 

I would like to be able to turn up the master volume and still get the same tone but run into feedback issues.

I tried this with a Shure 520 dx microphone with the volume control open all the way. 

Is there an equalizer pedal or feedback destroyer I could add to the setup that would enable me to get the volume level and tone that I want or should I just bite the bullet and buy one of the boutique amps designed for harp?

As an aside, I played through a Meteor last night that a friend has, and it had great tone, and several different settings based on which tubes are being used on that setting offering a variety of cool tones. 

I also have the chance to but a vintage Masco at a good price.

Thank you again to all who have helped in the past and any who may want to offer some advice now.

Walter Joyce

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