[Harp-L] gig bag plug-in set ups

I plug in through three electronic intersections prior to tapping whatever is being provided as power on stage.

1) In my FX bag & stand rig, which can be reconfigured however I'd like to suit the show were doing,
there is a power conditioning brick that all the FX units plug into...it limits the buzz, provides clean, regulated power;

2) That gig back power brick and my stage amp plug into a construction grade power strip. It's heavily weatherized,
and has a set of LEDs that indicate if the power source is grounded, not grounded, or 'wild legged'. I plug this into a:

3) GFI circuit box....although this is usually reserved for outdoor shows. We've had to set up on damp concrete, dirt,
stages just recently swept with down pour rain, and in one case, a summer wedding in the tent that was so hot
we were sweating our own river onto the riser built stage....no shit...we had to go get the rubber mats out of our cars
to stand on something that would help ground us....

I also found a small circuit tester helpful in clubs...places that appear to have been wired by the owner's mutant cousin Delrood
who, to quote Ricky Lee Jones, 'lives in a Half-Way House on a Dead End Street'. You would be surprised how many outlets
are Hindenburgs just waiting to be introduced to their New Jersey Mooring site.

In a basement bar, after we had everything plugged in, the bar tender came up to the stage with two fire extinguishers and wanted
to know if we knew how to use them. Apparently, it wasn't uncommon to have to stop the set and fog down the junction boxes.
Just part of the show, kids, just part of the show. And yes, our front guy singer IS made of neon!

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