[Harp-L] Vibrato Technique

Hello Tony Renshaw 

"The vibrato is a combination of a "negative pressure"
created with the epiglotis being somewhat closed, or 
modulated, whilst the diaphragm creates the "negative
pressure" which pulses the air through the harp. At
the same time, it is the interaction of the epiglotis
and the base of the tongue that creates the bends, or 
partial bends which embellishes the vibrato and gives
it it's classic aural signature."

I was discussing this just the other day with James
Cotton and Billy Boy Arnold.  They agreed. 

Seriously, you needn't get so wordy.  Harmonica
vibrato is a pitch change, from on pitch, to flat, to
on pitch to flat, etc., at whatever regular, pleasing
rhythm you can manage.

You're right, the pitch change comes from your throat
and mouth, not your diaphragm. The suction comes from
your diaphragm. But you're wrong if you think your
diaphragm is applying steady, unchanging suction.  It
is pulsating too, synchronous to the modulations going
on in your mouth and throat.

It's an art, but attainable with practice.  I like to
think I attained it.  Go to  http://tinyurl.com/2dk7hd
within the next two days for a sample of my vibrato. 
Or if you don't, that's ok; I hope the words I wrote
make sense.  Oftentimes words can't adequately
describe the music though.

Good luck!


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