Re: Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Harmonica cutting contest at SPAH

While some of the writing in this thread has been less than obvious none of it has been obscure to the point of misunderstanding and yet it's obvious from several of the replies that several key points were misconstrued. I think I knew what Sonny meant first time around. The clarification helped but the meaning was there initially. That's just one instance; there were others.

It's somewhat confusing in that the harp-l process is a freeforall. We discuss whatever we find interesting and sometimes that will include the running of the SPAH annual convention. SPAH's process is somewhat more formal. An unfortunate aspect of celebrity is that celebrated often find themselves the topic of discussion. SPAH and its convention are very famous in the harmonica world. To anyone wanting to affect a change in how the SPAH convention is run I suggest one becoming a member and then 2 familiarising yourself with the inner workings of the organisation. Attending an event wouldn't be a bad idea either.

If you think my comments are directed you are wrong. They are quite general. I've been intrigued by the interactions of these two worlds, harp-l and SPAH for a long time now. The bits and pieces occurring at the boundaries are fascinating. fjm

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