[Harp-L] Re: feedblock

Hi Jim, I noticed the Feedblock only worked well with certain amps, but  when 
it did , very effective. I have reverse engineered it with permission from  
John of Best Li'l Harphouse, Kevin's brother, as Kevin is no longer with  the 
company.  I have a few in stock. We did not do anything fancy for the  face 
plate, it was just V for volume, T for tone.   A for where you  plug your amp 
into, and M for where you plug your mic into. They stopped making  them due to 
some people liking them, and some not.We are focused on production  of my amps 
right now and not sure how many we could pump out. I am known for  putting the 
best product I can on the market, so if one doesn't like it, they  are sold 
with no return guarantee. I would ask $75 for the ones I have if anyone  is 
interested. They cost $45 to build with the box, parts, and my tech's  time.

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