Re: [Harp-L] Tommy Morgan

Hey Richard and Rob,

You guys put into words so eloquently and to the point, my thoughts which I would have liked to have written. Thanks for pointing out Tommy's achievements, which are far greater than most imagine. I only wish Chris M and others would take a long hard look at Tommy's website, and learn just a bit of what he has been doing for the past 54+ years.

Tommy claims, and rightly so, to be the most-heard harmonica player in the world - ever - and has the documentation to back it up. Those who claim to have done particular studio work to elevate themselves in their own minds, even to the point of making such claims on stage, and on TV, no less - ask them to produce the written records, including pay stubs. Or, just check with Tommy, and he can produce such documentation - I personally have seen the tip of the iceberg in his files at his home. Jaw-dropping to say the least.

So - anyone who thinks he/she can match Tommy's history, have a go at it. As both Richard and Rob mentioned - it is the "hirer" rather than the "hiree" who sets the stage, and it is up to the hiree to do the job he is booked and paid to do.

Personal opinions of music genre aside, there is no one out there who can cover it all, as Tommy as done.

As an aside - anyone who thinks Tommy is a "sometime" bass harmonica player, check out his work in the soundtrack of the 1995 film, "Casper." Phenomenal - must be heard to be believed. I have the score of the bass track, and first impression is that "it can't be done!" But that is what Tommy is paid to do - play what the composer writes. I've heard Tommy do it, and I still say "it can't be done!"


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