Re: [Harp-L] breath control (no subject)

First of all, there is a real advantage to discarding the words and concepts of "draw" and "blow", replacing them with "inhale" and "exhale".
It is not unusual to work your way up to holding a long note for 30, 45, and even 60 seconds through controlled breathing in and out, and this is without feeling light headed or hurting yourself.
The Iceman 
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Harker <paul-harker@xxxxxxxxxxx>

--- Joel Fritz <jfritz666@...> wrote:
> Hmm...a minute is about one chorus of a 32 bar pop song at a moderate 
> tempo.  That's a lot of breath.  Never tried holding one note for that 
> long.  My hat is off to you.

I don't want to start any sort of competition here, but I am curious how
long a note most folks can hold on a draw and on a blow?

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