[Harp-L] Fender Blues Jr. Mods ( Greenboard)

Merry Christmas!
  Bill Machrone modded my Blues Jr. with new orange-drop caps and:
1. Replaced input jack with metal jack
2. Replaced power cable ( the original was loose )
3. Tone stack mod
4. Presence control that cuts as well as boosts presence (may reduce 
feedback a little)
5. Switchable input impedance ( for crystal element mic)
6. Pull-up "thick" switch on the presence control

I got it back in about a week. His work is top-rate, prices reasonable and I recommend him highly. He suggested a Weber speaker. I called Ted Weber and he suggested a Weber Ferromax VST 12F150-O-50 watt with "H" dust cap. as being the single most effective change for harp playing. I put the speaker in myself. Without regard for how the upgrade money could be better applied to buying another amp, I used the Blues Jr. for all the gigs I had with white2blue for 3 years, because it was perfect for the music we played at lower volumes (no drums) and miked through the PA. If you like the Blues Jr., the speaker swap and Machrone mods are fantastic.
  Hey Victor,

I looked into doing these mods on my BJ a few years
ago and decided that I was too chicken to mess
around with soldering irons and circuit boards.
However, I had some e-mail exchanges with Bill on
this and it seems like a terrific way to go. If
only i had the guts. 

Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes!

Harpin' in Colorado,
--Ken M.

--- Victor Creazzi <aerofirewp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi All,
>  Has anyone tried any of Bill's Blues Jr 
> modifications
> Specifically the tone stack mod, the twin stack
> mod,
> and the presence control addition.
> I am going to order the kits today. I will be
> putting
> them in a green board rev.C ~early 2001 Blues Jr.
> Victor

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