[Harp-L] re: Gifted Players, Who I Play For

This thread reminded me of a story that was on 60
Minutes a few weeks ago, about a young musical prodigy
by the name of Jay "Bluejay" Greenberg.

The musical genius like Jay possesses only comes along
every 200 years or so (as the story is told).  He
started writing music and asked for a cello when he
was only 2 years old.

He has a great gift (many gifts!), but this gift also
drives him to write musical symphonies (on demand, in
25 minutes if he desires).  Here is the link to see
the 60 Minutes video on Jay:


I wouldn't want such a gift, especially considering
all the simultaneous multiple channels running in
Jay's brain.  I would rather have X-ray vision, or be
able to fly... something cool like that!

Everyday normal people are blessed with various gifts
that might just start out as an 'interest', and with
dedication and practice, becomes a passion or maybe
even just a hobby.

For music, one of the best gifts you can have is a
good ear, a good work ethic, and a love of music. 
Most people like music, but lack the dedication and
practice it takes to be really good.

Like most of the comments on some of the YouTube
videos that say: "Wow, I wish I could play like
that!".  Check out Andy McKee... I never heard or saw
anyone play a guitar like that!


I hear stories of people who absolutely have no
interest or liking of any music of any kind; music
does nothing for them whatsoever.  I'm glad I'm not
one of those people!

Its a good thing there are so many gifted people in
this world... and you don't have to be a genius!

I wonder if Jay Greenberg ever tried playing

Merry Christmas!  Happy Holidays!

Ken Hildebrand
Chardon, OH

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