RE: [Harp-L] Volume difference between amps???

> If both amps were say on 5, would the volume difference
> between a Pro Junior and Bassman be really different?  
> How much louder in all seriousness?

For all amplifiers, regardless of make, wattage, speaker size, etc, the numbers on the volume knob
are meaningless except that on _that amp_ as you turn it up it should go louder. Thus the ever
famous "These go to 11" scene in "This is Spinal Tap". 

So to compare one amp model on a given setting to another on the same setting is rather arbitrary.
Also, there is no saying that going from say 3 to 4 makes the same amount of change as going from 4
to 5. 

Things that affect how loud an amp is at any given volume control setting include:

Taper of volume pot (audio vs linear)
Other volume dircuit design issues affecting taper
Interactivity of other controls (master/drive/tone stack etc)
Power section wattage 
Power section design and efficiency (class A, AB, C)
Output transformer efficiency
Speaker efficiency

Many of the above vary slightly even between seemingly identical amps -- especially in vintage tube
amps where tolerances are rather wide. 

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