[Harp-L] Fender Bassman Ltd....again

"This whole thing ever since the LTD came out...I
don't understand. 12AY7 in
V1...that's all you need. And that's just going back
to the original tube
configuration. If you gotta tinker with the thing any
more than that, the
amp ain't your problem!"

I've tried a whole slew of preamp tubes with this amp,
and my favorite so far is the two 12axy7s and a 12ay7.
 However, this varies depending on the mic I use.  If
I can't turn the amp up to at least 5 before feedback,
I try something else.  I gotta have some break up from
the power section.

One of the biggest points one can make about this
whole quest for tone thing, is that the guys playing
back in the day had much less to compete with on
stage.  Personally, stage volume before feedback is
one of my top concerns when looking at an amp.  If I
can't hear it then I might as well not play it.

Many of the pros and suchs can get away with whatever
amp because the have pa systems that can get them the
volume they need at the tone they like (this is also
assuming they have "good chops" and "acoustic tone"). 

I don't have the luxury anymore, so if I can't here my
amp on its own I am screwed and will sound like poop
because I won't know what I am playing.  If I have to
get louder then what my Bassman can give me, then the
gig is to loud and not worth losing my hearing over.


Mike Fugazzi

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