RE: [Harp-L] Gig Attire

The key word here is "band" - as in band decision, band attire, etc. Being
kinda sorta in a band is like being kinda sorta pregnant. Either you're
pulling together in a collective decision as to how you want to present
yourselves or you accept it as a loose, collective jam band with no focus.
Being in a band is all about submerging your individual ego for the collective
good - it's a team sport. If y'all aren't able to agree on simple things like
dress, what happens when he wants to play a song the way he wants to regardless
of how the rest of the band is playing? Don't scoff - it's happened on my
bandstand, but not more than once.

As the owner of the largest collection of two tone shoes in Texas, I certainly
come down on the side of looking sharp and professional, but then, I'm old
school enough that Gabriel used to play trumpet in my horn section...

Tio Ed

Ed Kliman
  "Written, musical and electronic communications
      for a changing World...."

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