(harpcontent included this time) Re: melodica in blues - Paul Oscher cd

Hi Bob

>first recorded using it on the early 70's Muddy Waters LP, "Live At Mister
>Kelley's," on a tune called "Mudcat," on the intro and the ending

I played that lp a lot years ago, but can't recall ever noticing  melodica, 
so I went to check the album... my turntable doesn't work anymore though :-(
(a bunch of wires from mixers, hi fi, pc, etc. I have to deal with first)

BTW more harpcontent:
the album opens with "Walking" from Miles Davis repertoire, but in a setting 
of just bass, drum & chromatic harp with a Chicagoblues sound.
Some more really good bluesharpplaying worthwhile checking out (track 2  if 
I remember well - heartfelt playing).
Title track has a mix of chroms, diatonics, bassharp and melodica.


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