RE: 5 minutes/day

| It's great to practice as much as you can.  If 5 minutes is all you can
| do, I guess that's it.  If 5 minutes is really all you've got, my advice
| is to follow Rev. Gary Davis's advice to his guitar students, and take
| those 5 minutes as soon after you wake up as possible.  The right brain
| is wide open just after you wake up, and music seems to imprint well.

	Just a friendly reminder that if you are finding it hard to find 5 minutes of
peace in your day, in a consistent manner, try to remember that time of day when
you do something nobody can do for you... ;-) Yup, the daily bathroom visit. You
are there, sitting, doing your business, and your hands and mouth are idle. You
could either read a magazine for 5 minutes or play the harp :-)

	Wasn't Willie Dixon that wrote many nice songs while relieving himself in the
bathroom ? There you go, if you can't find 5 minutes to spare, take your harp
with you to the bathroom. I bet it will be hard to skip harp practice, because
you won't be able to skip bathroom for too long :-)

	Personally I like practicing repetitive things while watching the news at
night. You distract your conscious mind watching news while your muscle memory
takes over doing the repetitive stuff without really annoying you. Works for me.


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