Re: Toronto Star Blues Festival

>I plan to make a bid to play this show next year. I recommend that other
>Harp-Lers do the same.  This is a big blues show in a big city, and it's
>not cool for harp to be almost nowhere in sight.
>Thanks and regards,
>Richard Hunter

   Do you have a band?

   I will be playing tonight with one of the best B3s going. The whole 
group is putting together a BIG band 7-8 members. I will NOT be in 
it. Reason?? don't know.

   When I started with this bunch, there were 3-5 of us and the motel 
had a crowd of 17. Over the last 13 weeks, it has gotten so the bar 
is at 57 (which is about max. capacity). Who is drawing them in?? 
don't know. Who is getting the loudest applause on the solos? I am. 
Go figure.

   Maybe these bands CAN't FIND a harp player. Maybe they DON't WANT 
one. Maybe they feel that the harmonica is NOT adding enough to the 
overall sound to be worth the "money-cut". don't know. He!!, I don't 
know MUCH, do I?......(grinns)....smo-joe

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