Advanced techniques and attitudes...

While I'm sure a few people use advanced techniques for egotistical
purposes, I can assure you that most musicians who take the time to learn
and actually put forth the effort to master them do it out of a love of
music, and/or advancing harmonica and the artform.  Self aggrandizement is
not the primary goal of these folks.  In fact, in most cases ego plays no
part whatsoever.  There are much easier ways to bolster a sagging ego than
hard work.

Therefore it's really unfair to characterize everyone who pushes the
envelope as having some sort of emotional problem,  just as it would be
unfair to criticise everyone who finds fault with pushing the envelope.
Sure, SOME do it out of feelings of inadequacy and because they feel better
about themselves when tearing down the accomplishments of others (and of
course of the two, criticism is much easier), but the simple facts are that
a lot of folks simply prefer traditional harmonica and/or don't much care
for "newfangled harp playing".  It makes little sense to impugn honest
criticism, just as it makes little sense to question the motives of hard
working musicians.

There are great players of traditional harmonica, great innovators, and of
course plenty of more average players in both areas (one of the worst
harmonica players I know does overblows, but he's an exception).  There's no
reason we can't like one, both, or for that matter neither, without getting
personal in our comments.  If we don't like the technique and feel a need to
comment, why not simply say so, without making personal remarks about the

Should we learn overblows, valved bends, to play alternate tunings,
chromatic, etc.?  Well, if it will improve our music, and we have the
desire, sure - lots of overblowers say that it isn't all that difficult, and
I believe them.  If we don't think it will help, don't want to put out the
effort, and/or are happy with your existing arsenal of techniques, then we
don't have to, and I don't think anyone here will think the less of us for
making this choice.  Do we have to like OBs, valved bends, etc.?  Of course
not.  Does the fact that a person uses these in and of itself make them a

You betcha!


You know, it's hard enough choosing the lesser traveled road.  There are
plenty of critics and naysayers, and most people won't "get it".  We in the
harmonica community should encourage those who choose to further our
instrument.  After all, it benefits all of us.

 -- mike

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