Re: shake/trill

> Is a trill the same thing as a shake? Going back and forth quickly between two 
> notes?

"Trill" is a general musical term; whereas "headshake" and "harpshake" 
would IMHO be harmonica-specific terms.  A trill, according to the Clark
New Pocket Music Dictionary, is: 

   "An ornament consisting of the rapid alternation of two notes."

So harmonicists use headshake or harpshake to achieve a trill.

IMHO, I'd tend to agree that a harp-shake is a lot easier on the grey
matter and associated organic matter, but when puckering in a rack,
harpshake is a little hard to do unless you're Charo.  Over the years,
I've learned a particularly gentle headshake method, using just enough
head movement to change the notes.  I set my mouth in a tighter than usual
pucker just slightly offset from the comb, so that minimal motion is

I've never had neck pains from headshake, but I have an exceptionally
strong neck, which may help.  There are very effective isometric exercises
for the neck (e.g. pushing your forehead against a pillow on the wall,
clasping both hands on the back of the head and exerting moderate
pressure, or sideways against one hand) that may be helpful in this
regard.  Also, lifting free weights tends to build neck musculature due to
tensing the neck muscles while straining against the weights. 

I don't use headshake extensively when I have a bad headache =8-(O)

When playing by hand, I use both methods.  To my ear, there's no
difference in sound.  I can shake my head as fast as I can my hands.  (Of
course, I've had much more experience doing headshake, too :-)

> I'd like other's opinions on this..I've had players tell me that if they see 
> someone doing a shake (trill) by moving the harp back and forth instead of 
> their head, then they know they don't know much about playing harp.

I've seen excellent players using all manner of methods.  Faultfinding is
not my strong suite, especially when IMO something works :-)

Jennie mentions this as possibly being a "manly" issue.  Unfortunately, I 
find all too many things in harpdom being an issue of machismo - and I'll 
beat the pulp out of anyone who disagrees :#| 

   HUMOUR ALERT: The aforegoing is intended purely as humor and is not to
   be taken in the least bit seriously.  I do not go around beating up
   harmonica players as the metal coverplates are hard on my fists and

 -- Mike Curtis    Everything expressed in this post is my opinion, unless
wd6ehr@xxxxxxxxxx  quoted, credited, escaped, or expressly stated as fact.

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