Re: Carey Bell Show

> >>> Norbert Brunhuber  2/24/95, 09:53am >>>
> >Last night I caught 2 out of the three sets of the Carey Bell
> >performance.  
> >During a slow Mississippi style number, he went out into the crowd
> >and let a bunch of the harp-player wannabees play.  
> >I thought it was big of Carey to let other people play during his
> >show.   
> Did you tell him this?  
> >I guess at his age and experience he is confident enough in his
> >skill (and ego!).  This brings up a point though about harp players
> >-- when are we as a group going to pay some respect for ourselves?  
> Or better yet, when are we going to stop taking ourselves so
> seriously?  Don't you think the wannabees would be much more excited
> about playing the harmonica after an exposure like this?  Isn't that
> what the HARP world wants - more mass appeal?  This is certainly an
> enhancement.
> >Do we see drummers or bass players dragging their instruments into a
> >show and playing along, or demanding to play with the band?  

I've seen plenty of drummers, bass players, and guitarists sitting in 
with "the pro's".  also vocalists.

> Just how 'demanding' to play were those in the audience?  Most likely
> they were 'hopeful'.

My experience has been more like this, too.

> >I always wonder why if these gunslingers were so great, why don't
> >they get their own band??  Because our instrument is so portable, we
> >have to display some self-discipline. 
> A good question to pose to the HARP-L brethren, since it includes
> many harpslingers.
> >I come to a show to hear other performers.  I get my act together
> >when I want to play.  No mixing. 
> Did you tell Carey Bell this?
> Chill out, now who wouldn't be genuinely excited at the opportunity
> to jam w/ someone of his stature?  Would be hard to pass up such a
> chance. What purist wouldn't appreciate this gesture from a seasoned
> professional?  

If either of you come to my show, I'll be disappointed if you *don't* 
bring your harp.  Newbie or Gods gift to harp, it doesn't really matter.

The harmonicas visual resemblance to a toy should remind all of us that
this is the "entertainment" business.  If we have fun (as I'd bet Carey
was having by passing the mic around - and I'll bet he was quite masterful
and skillful at it, too, milking it for every cheer and laugh possible!),
our audiences have fun - and come back! 

 -- mike

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